Free Heavy Vehicle Rollover Awareness Program
LBRCA has launched the Heavy Vehicle Rollover Awareness Program (HVRAP), a free…
Grain Industry Code of Practice
GTSN is excited that our submission of a “Notice of Intention” to develop a Grain Industry Code of Practice…
Updated Truck Book
GTSN has updated its popular Truck Book for the 23/24 Harvest. The a PDF version of the book is freely available to download…
Updated Truck Chart
The chart details the same top 12 still includes the same 12 codes as last year and includes minor changes to include…
Revised Truck Book
GTSN has revised its popular Truck Book for the 21/22 Harvest. The a PDF version of the book is freely available to download…
Grain Transport Safety #1
There have been a number of recent incidents at grain sites where drivers have not lowered their trailers prior to…
GTSN Has Summarised…
GTSN has summarised all submissions to the NHVR review of the GHMS to assist industry participants understand the range of views…
On The Road, Issue 48
I had the pleasure recently of attending the launch in Canberra of the Advanced Safe Truck Concept, an exciting project developed by…
Inaugural GTSN Chair Moves On
Sari was instrumental in the formation of the network nearly two and a half years ago, enthusiastically supporting grain supply…